Educational Support

At the core of Mission Africa is the desire for children to thrive with a quality education. A number of factors prevent this though such as a lack of books, insufficient infrastructure, and terrible building conditions. This influences the high dropout rates, and poor attendance at schools. In fact, in Sapele, nearly 28,000 children under the age of 14 do not attend classes at all. As a ripple effect, the unemployment rate among 15-25 year olds is 50%. This is why Mission Africa prioritizes educational access as a gateway to a better life.

Through a variety of initiatives, Mission Africa provides needed textbooks and supplies to school children. Equally important, efforts are continuously made to equip facilities with essentials like toilets and roofs and to provide access to food and medical care. Another hurdle being addressed is the high cost of transportation and terrible road conditions that not only impede students’ ability to get to school but teachers’ commutes. By better equiping teachers, through housing allowances or provided housing, their consistent presence in class will also substantially increase the success of schools in Sapele.

Mission Africa has been able to donate hundreds of textbooks to students in Sapele, and in 2024, we provided over 420 Math, English and Science textbooks for the Oghwerie Primary school